ubuntu server和desktop版本的区别 -金沙软件免费下载 |
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前言motivation(写作动机)1 ubuntu server版本2 ubuntu desktop版本3 二者的区别4 我们可以同时安装server和desktop版本吗? [5]5 怎么从ubuntu 14.04更新到16.04总结参考文献
这里系统讲述下ubuntu server和desktop版本的区别,并探索二者是否可以同时安装。 motivation(写作动机)在百度上看了前两个答案,感觉还不够,所以打算自己写一下(尽量避免和现有的文章做重复性工作,感觉意义不大)。 1 ubuntu server版本在此先介绍一下server版本的一些特性: 1)ubuntu server是专门用作服务器的版本。这个版本是特意针对服务器进行优化过的,适用的场景是:服务器时刻联网,时刻都在开机状态,相应的,服务器的boot(启动、引导)时间会更长些。如果你用的是只有wifi的机器(通常新版本的笔记本都是这样),那么server版本的启动会持续3-5分钟,因为server上的很多模块都需要依靠网络来加载,但是在启动的时候,wifi不可用。 the server version is meant for server. here are at least two things that affect you when you use server version as your daily terminal console box: it is optimized for the server, assuming always has a wired network, always are power on (it does not reboot often). so your box will have much longer boot time. if you use wifi only machine (most new style laptops do), the server version of ubuntu boot-up procedure can hang on there for 3 to 5 minutes, because lot modules on server depend on network when load it, but at that stage, wifi network is not available yet, indeed, the server version default setting doesn’t come with whole wifi package. [2] 2 ubuntu desktop版本感兴趣的可以看看ubuntu的release notes [4]。 3 二者的区别1)cd(即安装盘、安装包)内容不同: “server”安装包特有的包:服务器相关的包(apache 2, bind 9 等等) “desktop”安装包特有的包:桌面相关的包(x,gnome,kde 等等) 2)有无gui界面: server版本是没有gui界面的。 3)内核(kernel): 在12.04版本之前,server版本使用的是专门为服务器优化过的内核;不过这个版本之后,server和desktop的内核就没有区别了。 甚至有人认为,12.04版本之后,server和desktop版本除了gui图形界面有无,就没有什么区别了: the conclusion is, after 12.04, there is no significant difference between the two except that you have a gui comes along with the desktop version while there is no gui for the server one. 但是感觉下面的话最经典: it’s worth noting that other than the kernel settings, ubuntu desktop and server are essentially the same distribution, just with different default package selection. they both use the same packages and respositories. if you run apt-get install ubuntu-desktop you will end up with the functional equivalent of desktop edition. that also means that any package that’s intended for ubuntu server will run just as happily on your desktop installation. [3] 大意为:ubuntu server和desktop版本本质上是 包含不同的默认包(package) 的同一个ubuntu发行版本(distribution)。你装了server版本之后,只需要apt-get install ubuntu-desktop指令就可以安装桌面(功能上等价于desktop版本)。而且,在ubuntu desktop版本上,你也可以随时安装server版本上的包(比如 email server, ssh server 之类的)。 4 我们可以同时安装server和desktop版本吗? [5]1)可以作为双系统(dual boot)来安装,但是没必要。 2)server和desktop版本实际上是同一个操作系统的两个installers(安装程序),所以互相转换是很简单的,没必要同时安装的。 5 怎么从ubuntu 14.04更新到16.04请参考: [6] 怎么给server版本和desktop版本升级 有必要更新吗? 请参考: [7] 其实就是根据自己的需求吧。 于我而言,我不想备份文件,而且现在没有快速稳定的网络,所以还是先不备份吧,有空把我的文件都整理一下、归纳一下之后,我可能会考虑更新ubuntu版本。 总结其实每次写这些都挺费时间的,但是还是坚持下来了: 1)现有的相关网页不够全面,我认为有补充的必要; 2)也算是一个研究记录吧。 参考文献[1] what is the difference between ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server? https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/difference-ubuntu-desktop-ubuntu-server/ [2] what is the difference between ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server? https://www.quora.com/what-is-the-difference-between-ubuntu-desktop-and-ubuntu-server [3] what’s the difference between the server version and the desktop version? https://askubuntu.com/questions/31081/whats-the-difference-between-the-server-version-and-the-desktop-version [4] releasenotes https://wiki.ubuntu.com/xenialxerus/releasenotes [5] can i install both ubuntu-server and desktop on my computer https://askubuntu.com/questions/998479/can-i-install-both-ubuntu-server-and-desktop-on-my-computer?answertab=votes#tab-top [6] how to upgrade to ubuntu 16.04 lts from ubuntu 14.04 lts https://www.ostechnix.com/upgrade-ubuntu-16-04-lts-ubuntu-14-04-lts/ [7] should you upgrade to ubuntu 16.04 from ubuntu 14.04 https://www.lifewire.com/should-you-upgrade-to-ubuntu-16-04-from-ubuntu-14-04-4077902 |
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